My god, it was horrible. So as I went out, It was litteraly 102 degrees, and i thought "by god's light those poor knights, there in that cluncky armor outside, and they gonna have to be hours outside in said armor". Once i came in, I imendaily went to the hemp drink stand. It was awful, they didn't give out free hemp drinks, and if you wanted one, it was like $7 a person. All they gave out were dumb key chains, and people started chucking them over the stage once the music began. Alright when the music began, you could not hear the music, all you could here was the clancking of the people in the knight armor. Some guy in the knight armor just fell, and to add insult to injury, people started to chuck the keychains at him. You could hear the key chains bouncing out his armor. And when it was nearing the end of it, they started to blast fireworks. Somehow they didn't realize a news heli near it and the fireworks almost destroyed the helicopter. After that we were all escorted out. By god this was awful.
Click to see more unflitered garabge!
They updated it, they updated knightfest website!